

【公開講義】「Message from Africa ~Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda~」(講師:トシャ?マギー氏)のお知らせ(英語による講演です)

IGS?200 Introduction to Global Studiesコースにおける公開講義
Special Open Guest Lecture for?IGS?200?Introduction to Global Studies Course

講義タイトル / Lecture Title:
「 Message from Africa ~Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda~」

国際教養大学グローバル?スタディズ課程のIntroduction to Global Studiesコースにおいて、下記のとおり公開講義を開催します。学外の方も入場可能ですので、お気軽に御参加ください。

Introduction to Global Studies?Course (IGS200) in?Global Studies Program at AIU?presents a special open guest lecture by Ms. Maggie TOSHA, entitled “Message from Africa ~Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda~.” This lecture is open to all students, faculty and staff at AIU, as well as the public.?


November 22 (Tue.), 2016, 14:00-15:15


国際教養大学D棟2階 コベルコホール
Akita International University,?Kobelco Hall?(2nd Floor of?D-Building)

*The Hall will be open from 13:45.


トシャ?マギー 氏
Staff of Africa Division, Recognized NPO Corporation Terra Renaissance
Ms. Maggie TOSHA


1980年ブルンジ共和国生まれ。幼い頃に母親を亡くし、父親に育てられる。7歳のとき、ブルンジ内戦の虐殺で、父親が殺害され、兄弟も行方不明となる。難民として、コンゴ民主共和国、タンザニア、ケニアと渡り歩き、13歳の時にウガンダへ。2005年にテラ?ルネッサンスと出会い、「ひとり一人に未来をつくる力がある」という理念に共鳴し、テラ?ルネッサンス ウガンダ事務所の職員となる。現在、アフリカでの3か国での事業(ウガンダ、コンゴ、ブルンジ)のコーディネーターとして、ウガンダを拠点に活動を行っている。

In 1980, Ms. Tosha was born in the?Republic of Burundi. Her mother passed away when she was a child, and she was raised by her father. When she was 7 years old, her father was killed?in the slaughter?of Burundi’s Civil War, and her brothers?went missing. She wandered as a refugee to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Republic of Tanzania, and?the Republic of Kenya on her own, and reached the Republic of Uganda when she was 13 years old. In 2005, she encountered NPO Terra Renaissance and?was inspired by their policy, “We each have?the power to create?our future”, and became a staff member of the Uganda branch of Terra Renaissance. Currently, she is working as a coordinator of a project?bridging?between three countries in Africa; Uganda, Congo, and Burundi.

<講演実績?/ Past Speeches>
金沢大学教育学部附属金沢中学校、株式会社沖縄教育出版 ほか
Kanazawa Junior High School attached to Kanazawa University, Okinawa?Kyoiku Syuppan, and others



<メディア掲載歴 / Past Media Listing Information>

-“A girl who survived?childfood on?her own helps child soldiers find?their?independence” (free translation) published by Weekly Kinyobi (From February 4th, 2011)
-“Action by one person changes the world” (free translation) published by Hokuriku Chunichi Shinbun (From November 9th, 2010)
-“Mass consumption in developing countries leads to?conflict” (free translation) published by Mainichi Shinbun (From November 13th, 2010)

認定NPO法人テラ?ルネッサンス ホームページ
Homepage of Recognized NPO Corporation Terra Renaissance


Lecture Summary


Ms. Tosha will give a speech about?her experiences?supporting former?child soldiers?in African Civil Wars with their rehabilitation into society, and her point of?view toward Japan’s?role?in restoring?and?maintaining?world peace.
In addition, Ms. Tosha will give her advice and message to AIU students,?such as what they?should do?or pay attention to, as students gazing?out at?our global?society.


(写真右がトシャ氏 / R: Ms. Tosha)


Language of Presentation and Q & A: English
Participation Fee: None


We ask those who wish to participate to please complete the sign-up form below by no later than 5:00PM of the day before the lecture. (including AIU students)

参加申し込みフォーム Sign-up Form

※Guest lectures are available only to students who have NO class schedule conflict.

連絡先Contact Information

担当:教務課 教員人事チーム
Academic Affairs, Academic Human Resources Team
佐々木 京子 (Kyoko Sasaki)
FAX: 018-886-5910?
E-mail: humanresources@aiu.ac.jp